Many of the people we have calling us are job applicants or in between jobs and have recently Googled themselves to discover negative information. Changing the results in Google organically can take time. Sometimes you can move the needle in as little as 3 or 4 days. Other times it can take a week or two. No matter how long it takes you to want to be proactive about what Google says about you. Waiting until after you have a job interview is a recipe for failure. Virtually all employers Google prospective employees as part of the hiring process.
One of the first steps to owning your Google results and influencing the results to be in your favor is to set up a personal website. When doing so it is important to select your First and Last name as your domain name and then set the website up under that. This should easily rank in search for your name as long as you link your social media profile to the website. Once you have a personal website set up be sure to fill it with “G” rated content that accurately portrays you in a positive light.
The second most important step is to make sure your profile is up to date and accurate. Be sure to include a professional headshot as well. Your picture is one of the most important aspects and should be treated the same way you would treat your appearance for a job interview. You do not need to pay a photographer to create a professional headshot. Simply dress up in a solid color polo, add a jacket if you own one. You can even borrow one from a friend or relative. Be sure to take the picture in a setting with ample lighting and a neutral background. Lastly, smile naturally to convey your enthusiasm about prospective employment.
The third and last step that we will cover is Facebook. It’s better to have a separate public Facebook profile for everyone to view with more “G” rated content showing you enjoying hobbies, family, and friends. Generally, people who are Googling your name are familiar with Facebook. Generating a public Facebook for Google searches is a good way to satisfy anyone who is searching for your name with enough content to make them feel familiar with you. This will also rank well in search results.
Alex Adekola is a proven thought leader in the reputation management industry who has targeted mugshot publishers since 2012. He is the longest-serving reputation and crisis management strategist and has written extensively on crisis management. He is the creator and director of strategy at Incept Technologies.